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Negaban (Temocillin)

Negaban (Temocillin)

The full name of your medicine is Negaban 1 G, powder for solution for injection/infusion.

The active ingredient is temocillin

There are no other ingredients

What Negaban 1 G is and what it is used for

Negaban 1G is supplied in packs that contain 1 vial or 5 vials.

Each vial of Negaban 1 G powder for solution for injection/infusion contains 1 gram of the active ingredient temocillin.

Negaban 1 G belongs to the penicillin group of antibiotics. It works by killing some types of bacteria that may cause infections.

Negaban 1 G is used to treat bacterial infections of the chest and lungs, infections of the kidneys and bladder, and other types of infections when there are bacteria in the bloodstream.

Before you receive Negaban 1 G

Negaban 1G is not suitable for everyone. You should not be given Negaban 1 G if the answer to any of the following questions is “YES”.

Have you ever had an allergic reaction to temocillin?

Have you ever had an allergic reaction to any antibiotic of the types called penicillins, cephalosporins, carbapenems or monobactams?

If you are not sure, you should talk to your doctor, nurse or pharmacist before you receive Negaban 1G. This is especially important if you have ever had an allergic reaction to any antibiotic but you are not sure what type of antibiotic it was.

Negaban 1 G may not be suitable for you if the answer to any of the following questions is “YES”.

  • Have you been told that your kidneys do not work normally?
  • Have you been told that your potassium levels are low?

If any of the above apply to you, your doctor may still decide to give you Negaban 1 G but may choose a lower dose than is usually given.

Pregnancy and breastfeeding

You should tell your doctor or nurse if you are pregnant or think you may be pregnant before you receive Negaban 1G because it would not usually be given to pregnant women.

You should tell your doctor or nurse if you are breastfeeding before you receive Negaban 1G. Small quantities of the active ingredient appear in breast milk and can be passed on to your baby. Your doctor may decide that you should not have Negaban 1 G or may advise you to have Negaban 1G but stop breast feeding while you are being treated.

Driving and operating machinery

Negaban 1G should not interfere with your ability to drive or operate machinery.

Taking other medicines

You should continue to take all other medicines that you may be taking on a regular basis on the advice of your doctor while you are receiving Negaban 1G.

How Negaban 1G is given

Negaban 1 G powder for solution for injection/infusion will first be dissolved in

Water for Injection by your doctor, nurse or pharmacist.

This solution will then be given to you either by injection into a vein or by injection into a muscle.

When Negaban 1 G is injected into a vein, it may be given in 3-4 minutes or it may be put into an infusion (drip) and given over about 30 minutes or more. Your doctor or nurse will make sure that Negaban 1G is not given into a drip that also contains blood or blood products, other fluids that contain proteins or fats, or antibiotics called aminoglycosides.

When Negaban 1 G is injected into a muscle, it may be dissolved in a weak solution of lidocaine so as to lessen the local pain that is sometimes felt when it is given in this way. If your doctor decides to give Negaban 1G with lidocaine, he/she will check with you that you are not allergic to lidocaine or to any similar local anaesthetics and your doctor or nurse will ensure that the injection is not accidentally given into a bloodvessel.

Your doctor will decide how much of this medicine you need each day and how often the injections should be given. The usual doses used are:

  • Adults of all ages 1-2 grams twice a day.
  • Adults with kidneys that do not work normally

People whose kidneys do not work normally may need a lower daily dose of Negaban 1G. The dose may be reduced to no more than 1 gram per day or even 1 gram every other day. Because some temocillin is removed from the body during haemodialysis treatments for very poor kidneys, a dose of Negaban 1 G is usually given after completing a haemodialysis session.

Your doctor will tell you how much you should have if your kidneys do not work normally.


Insufficient data are available to recommend an appropriate dosage regime.

Your doctor will decide how long your treatment with Negaban 1 G will last.

If you think that an injection has been missed, speak to your nurse, doctor or pharmacist.

Since Negaban 1G is given by a doctor or nurse, it is very unlikely that you will receive too much temocillin. If you think that you may have been given too much, or an extra dose, tell your doctor or nurse.

Possible side effects

Like all medicines, Negaban 1 G can have side effects.

Allergic reactions such as a rash, itching, breathing problems, swelling of the tongue, lips, face and neck can occur occasionally. Some of these reactions can be very severe, can occur very soon after having a dose of Negaban 1 G or up to 48 hours later, and can happen after the first dose. In these cases, discontinuance of treatment and urgent medical treatment is needed. Tell a doctor or nurse immediately if you get any of these symptoms.

Other side effects that have been reported with Negaban 1 G treatment include diarrhoea (several loose bowel movements a day) and pain in the muscles or in the joints.at the injection site, inflammation of a vein with or without formation of a clot.

In case of persistent diarrhoea, treatment must be discontinued immediately.

Bleeding manifestations and disorders of the nerves with muscular contractions have been reported in patients suffering from severe malfunction of the kidneys.

If you notice any side effects not mentioned in this leaflet, please inform your doctor, nurse or pharmacist.

Storing Negaban 1 G

Since Negaban 1G is usually given in hospitals, your doctor, nurse or pharmacist will take care that it is stored below 20°C in the original package and will check that it is not used after the expiry date.

They will also ensure that the powder is made into a solution immediately before it is given to you.

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